Exploring the Lakes and Rivers of Davidson County, Tennessee

Davidson County, Tennessee is a beautiful area with plenty of natural attractions to explore. Located entirely within the Cumberland River drainage, the county is bordered by three rivers: the Cumberland, Stones, and Harpeth. In addition to these larger bodies of water, there are numerous smaller streams and tributaries that flow into them. All of these rivers and streams provide ample opportunities for recreational activities such as canoeing and kayaking. One of the most popular lakes in the area is Kentucky Lake, which is part of the Tennessee River system.

This lake is renowned for its excellent sport fishing, with crappie, bass, blue gills, and catfish all present in abundance. Cordell Hull Lake is another popular destination located on the Cumberland River near Carthage. This lake covers an impressive 41,000 square miles and drains parts of seven states. Tims Ford State Park is located on the Tims Ford Reservoir and offers 3,546 acres of stunning scenery. This lake is considered one of the most picturesque in Tennessee and is a great spot for bass fishing.

Bays Mountain Lake is another picturesque spot located within Bays Mountain Park. This 44-acre pool is a great place to relax and take in the beauty of nature. Pickwick Landing State Park is located just south of Pickwick Dam near Savannah. This dam is managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority and helps to control the lake level. Radnor Lake is Tennessee's first official natural area and can be found in Nashville.

Pin Oak Lake is located in western Tennessee and is part of a group of eight reservoirs on the Beech River.

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